Sunday, May 25, 2008

Melakarta, Katapayadi, Mathematics...

Today in class I learnt about Katapayadi sankhya and how the formula can be used to determine the melakarta raga index number. I was fascinated by it and thought I will blog about it. But I wiki-ed and found 2 amazing sites already loaded with fascinating information.


Katapayadi Sankhya

Its all about mathematics, algorithms and formula. I came to know that one can even determine the complete raga scale just by the name of the raga. Just blew my mind off!!


Ragu Kattinakere said...

yes, arithmetics and logarithms! thanks it is intunresting!

Anil Jagalur said...

I was so surprised! You did not appear the classical music type! Nor did I or do I, I guess.

Pythagoras made the earliest known attempt to use mathematics to study music. See for instance.