Monday, March 26, 2007

Charm of a musician!

Almost all musicians seem to have a beautiful smile.

They apparently have a pleasing countenance and a divine look.

Somehow, their lives seem to be refreshingly fresh!

What is it in music that adds so much charm to a musician’s life?!


SimblyDimply said...

Well, a musician's life is only eventful. Being a musician/artist means asking many hard questions, sometimes letting go of the obvious, finding a trail or sometimes walking in the is mentally an intensive process. So, most artists are like children when it comes to lapping up happiness, because their interiors are so stormy. Maybe that childlike attitude is what numbs then to pain and keeps their smiles charming..their life refreshingly charming etc..but interesting observation kanle!

Ragu Kattinakere said...

yes some have divine look and others have wine look. :)